I took the picture below of a glowing crater, moon & starlit sulfur dioxide plume scene from next to the Jaggar.

Last night out, under another full moon (seemed just as full as the night before!) at the viewing area off the Kalapana lava covered terminus of highway 130, molten pahoehoe was again seen glowing on the surface of previous flows after a few days without much visibly active surface lava. The ocean entry plume remained strong.
Below is a recent USGS aerial photo of the active lava zones. I have added text to point out key places of interest mentioned frequently in my posts here. (click on it to a see larger size)

Steady straight-down rains cover the entire east-southeast section of the Big Island this morning. Cool air from the north has pushed across all the islands and running into warm wet moisture from the southeast. We are digging out those blankets again at night. These showers will move on by and let some sun back in soon.
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