As shown in my photo above taken at 10:00 PM last night from the Kalapana Gardens access road (County lava viewing area), a few surface breakouts of lava were visible in the distance (the small glow on the lower right is one of these). This photo was shot at 16mm, so even a small glow is fairly large on the ground.
Judging by the smaller ocean entry plume glow after dark last night the amount of lava pouring into the sea is still strong but reduced yet again from its previous volume. This may change. As recorded on these tilt monitor graphs, inflation is coming back into the picture. It will be interesting to see how this affects the coastal lava should the pressures continue an upward trend.

I will be setting up my roadside photo gallery display one more night there at the county viewing area if you want to drop by and say hi, then I’ll be working on photo projects until next week.
Thank you for posting all of your photos, I look forward each day to see what is new. Your compassion for your work really shows. I am currently off island and your blog has been an amazing way to follow the lava. Fox's Landing was a favorite of ours to spend the day at, it is forever changed but Pele has bigger and, who knows, maybe better ideas. The people of Kalapana Gardens are in my thoughts and I hope the best for them. Mahalo, Deb K