Little has changed in the past week within the Kilauea Volcano eruptive zones, though there certainly is magma movement and lava flowing. This activity is confined to lava upwelling inside both the Halema’uma’u and Pu`u O`o craters.
Halema’uma’u pit crater vent continues showing lava deep inside, visibly rising and falling from magma changes far below. Here is a cam capture from this morning:

The crater floor of Pu`u O`o, which had collapsed violently on March 5th when the new fissures erupted, has been filling with new layers of lava fairly steadily; below is a cam-capture of this from this morning.

Seismic activity also remains pretty subdued when compared with the past few years of active surface flows. Here is today’s map showing the past two weeks of quakes (all very tiny temblors):

One good thing for us folks living near these active volcanoes is the levels of sulfur dioxide being emitted from the two craters is holding well below the volumes we had for most of the past three years, which was then about 700 to 1200 metric tonnes or more and is now only 300 to 500 tonnes from both craters combined .
All this information I write about above comes directly from the USGS/HVO volcano update pages and can be found by clicking on the links they provide HERE
Further updates:
I will only post further lava activity updates as significant changes occur. If you need a lava-rush -(don’t we all ;) - I would suggest taking some time to wander through past posts on my site. We have had some amazing lava action in the recent past and you can relive it or find posts and photos you may have not seen.
The archives are not as easy to navigate as I would like but here are the basics:
Scroll down the right side of this page and you will spot Blog Archive. Click on a year (2010 is pretty exciting :) and it will automatically display the first posts in that year, but to see the titles or to select individual months you will need scroll back down the right side where you will see the post titles and the other months of that years postings. By clicking on any month it will open the first seven posts of that month; one above the other for an easy look-through. And at the top of each month’s page you will be offered a link to see the rest of that months postings, looking like this:
Showing newest 10 of 16 posts from October 2010. Show older posts
Meanwhile I'll keep looking for lava to share with you-

~~~ Happy Trails,